Thursday, April 10, 2014

“Above All” p:58

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 

ThursdayNight 10 Nissan, 5774

Page 58

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Compare a wealthy person to a king. The Torah king must not increase his treasure beyond the needs of government.

About the wealthy man we say 'he has a lot'. He may have everything that he wants. But we don't say, 'he has everything'.

We are looking at the term, 'surrounding all worlds'. And getting some understanding on 'all' as it applies here.

What is the inference in the word 'all'? It alludes to the 'infinite light that precedes the contraction'.

Contrast 'a lot' with 'all'. Compare a king and a wealthy man. A wealthy man has a lot, but only a king has everything. What is the possession of the king? He doesn't have possessions, and Torah does not allow him to accumulate more than he has. Yet we say he has 'all'. He supports the nation. He has unlimited presence. The king's presence is not based on his possessions.

And there's a level above that. A level before 'arousal of will' and this is called 'sovev kol almin' – surrounding all worlds.

Infinity in the finite is the miracle. No human being really dies. Even in the limited perspective we carry the names of our ancestors and teachers. A human being is not the limited body. It is what he stands for and this is unlimited. We learn chassidus and it brings out a soul response that is a song/niggun – a straight flow – that's what life is.

Its almost 20 yrs since Gimmel Tammuz. And its like it never happened. The reality is with us in every respect.   

After Class #2 - "Already Delivered" - 11 Nissn 

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