Sunday, April 6, 2014

“Objective Thinking” p:57

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 

Sunday 6 Nissan, 5774

Page 57

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In 'will' there is no reasoning. It has the reality itself. At the lower level sechel/mind justifies the view of ratzon/will.

The sechel is subservient to the 'will' and not to the world. It justifies the presence of things not based on a worldly explanation, but rather on the basis of a higher reality. This is a very important point to keep in mind, since the secular view is that everything is based on worldliness.

Chochmah realizes there is more to the picture than meets the eye.

Inside the text: when a person does something, there needs to first be an arousal of the will, for this thing to be done...

This arousal is different from the initial will, which is based on life itself and not involved with any specific interest.

Then the arousal of the will comes into sechel/mind where a logical imperative is found... and then it comes into the emotions of the heart... till it reaches the level of actual performance.

The fact that a human being can own anything is due to the fact that the world was created for the human being. God gave the world to the human being. Ownership is not base on external parameters. There is true ownership granted by the Creator himself. Humans represent the creator and have the power to own a piece of land...

When you build a house and put up 4 walls... it is not the walls that keep others out and define ownership... The walls have a positive role: they are there just to identify your ownership and define the space and allow for all the furnishings...

The real inspiration for any deed is the 'will'. Once you lose track of the inner will the deed begins to get off track...

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