Wednesday, April 9, 2014

“Don't Be a Fool” p:57

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 

Wednesday 9 Nissan, 5774

Page 57

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We talk about the cup on the table. What we observe and what sechel/mind relates to is not the tangible and coarse presence of the world. Sechel/mind relates to the will of the world – that the world is alive and wants to be.

If a robot put a cup on the table it would be incorrect to say 'the robot put it down', all you can say is the cup 'landed up over here'. A robotic action is not an action. A robot acts by a program.

The light that precedes the contraction is what give all of creation a sense of real presence.

In the process of creation and creation itself, each thing has an explanation for why it is here. And each explanation needs further explanation. And we go to the top and say God created the world. And we ask, 'why did He do it?' and we go higher till the 'buck stops' at ohr ein sof she lifnah hatzimzum (the infinite light that precedes the contraction). There, no question exists because it it is not a functioning presence.

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