Wednesday, April 2, 2014

“Truth Represented” p:57

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 

Wednesday 2 Nissan, 5774

Page 57

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The ratzon/will is the basis for the sechel/mind.

This is hard to understand and cannot be overstated in terms of its significance and importance. Sechel without ratzon is instinct! This is the animal level. It is not sechel that talks of an inherent reality. It is just based on encounter.

The basis of sechel is due to the fact that the sechel is involved in reality itself.

The secular world tries to drain you of your vitality. The world is not discovered when you encounter it. The world preceded you and your soul was sent into you body to come into the world with a mission.

The more responsibilities one has the better. He lives up to them. This is not a matter of getting honor. This is due to being involved in something real.

If I am not interested in the world, then 'nothing is right', but if my ratzon/will is engaged it is different... The ratzon brings the world with it from the nefesh/soul. Nefesh/soul is Godly. It doesn't need to be justified.

The essence of novelty is in the will/ratzon. You are given a soul mission. And there are levels of will and getting acclimated to the mission...

You are a soul sent into the world, and at least initially, your mission is not clear. At that early stage, your ratzon/will is not yours in the sense that you have not yet identified it... So your ratzon is timeless, but it has a view to come into a world of time and space... and this is the novelty.

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