Friday, September 11, 2015

“At The Table” p:24/18

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Ellul 5775 

Page 24 of pamphlet – (At middle of the page. Line starts: 'be-etzem...'). Page 18 of the book. For text see below.

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The souls fit together seamlessly. The distinction between them is due to the keilim/vessels. At the same time there is a distinction between the people.

Their dayas/perspectives are not the same.

But are not all souls from the same source. So what's the big deal if they can resolve their differences and get together?

And man is the essential reason for the creation and he was given the task of developing the world... who is he? And he's the last to be created. And then he comes and takes over!? And the animals gather and bow to him! And this was at the time before the 'sin' when the snake could still talk and contrive schemes...

All this is due to one principle. The principle of daas/דעת. Daas does not mean 'smarts'. There's something unique in man. He has an element for which there is no comparison in the entire creation.

This element is inexplicable.

A totally intangible element.

It is not within human purview. It is a Godly reality that is beyond our understanding, yet we constantly experience it, and treasure it!

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