Sunday, September 6, 2015

“For Heaven's Sake” p:24/18

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Ellul 5775  

Page 24 of pamphlet – (At 4th line from the top of the page. Line starts: 'vehashelhevet...'). Page 18 of the book. For text see below.

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We are saying that the keilim/vessels have a superiority over the lights! The vessels are like a spark from the coal itself.

It becomes evident that you are looking for 'the real thing'. For the First Being. For Him, that has no beginning. And the extent to which that is recognized, that is what provides quality. And when that representation is diminished then that entity loses its status. To do good in the world is very very valuable, but the ingredient of 'for the sake of heaven' supersedes all the deeds.

This is what gives an action of 'the truth itself'.

This is what the Baal Shem says, 'the simple man who says psalms, and much of the time he doesn't even know the meaning of the words he's saying has superiority over the greatest academic'.

Our work is to reveal Godliness – the essence of Godliness – in the world.

This provides the impetus for the lights to come down into the keilim/vessels.

The vessels have the reality of The First Being. The vessel itself, the deed itself, has this reality. For example the simple action of eating matzah on Pesach might not reveal much light/ohr, but it is steeped in the reality of The First Being.

From a truth perspective you see that the self nullification of the vessels reaches higher than that of the ohrot!

The human being in essence is higher than the world. For him to eat and drink is a kind of descent...! The man is a soul representation and a soul doesn't need to eat and drink?!

But the man has been sent to be in the world. And being in the world is not falling into it and drink water like a cat! The man is brought into the world, but to retain his super-worldly quality. Man comes to purify the world.

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