Thursday, September 24, 2015

“The Intention of Rain” p:25/18

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Tishrei 5776 

Page 25 of pamphlet – (At middle of the page. Line starts: 'hi-nu...'). Page 19 of the book. For text see below.

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Similar to what we said before, keilim/vessels have a superiority to lights. In terms of quality and message, lights are much superior to vessels. But the vessels reach into the essence.

In the level of atik, there is no element of vessels/keilim.

In the level of ak there are keilim/vessels.

There's a constant conflict between and inner Torah view and the worldly view... There's a verse that says, 'rain comes from the heavens to water the earth and cause it to be productive'. From an external view, the fact that the rain has an positive effect is un-intentional on the part of the rain...

So too regarding light... we speak of it in supreme terms, but from an external perspective it is mearly energy on the a spectrum...

In both cases the most significant aspect is totally discounted...!

The intent and the spirit is stripped out.

The reason we are looking at these different models is that if we are exposed to the worldly secular view with it's models that can be replicated it is enormously convincing. And to illustrate something from what we are learning – a higher level that does have vessels and a lower level that is lacking in keilim/vessels.

The Torah explanation of the world is totally different from the secular explanation. The secular view begins with, 'the world is a complex interaction of many parts, the basic of which is the atom or the subatomic particle. And none of the particles has any sense of the result of their combination'.

The Torah view is that the world is not only a creation, but it is a Godly creation.

From this perspective the 'Godly spirit' is the basic building block. And that is indestrucable.

The secularists have the subatomic particle as the ireducible element. The Torah view sees the Godly presence as the basic element.

It is the spirit that this the maintenance of everything in the world, and even more so in the human being. The human being is a microcosm of the world, and his spirit, his brain is key – this is what energizes everything else!

We are saying that there are two stages in everything. All comes from above – from Him. So in everything there is a Godly presence and then there is a wordly aspect. The Godly element is the most significant. The worldly presence is the structure, which is not at all interested in the overall accomplishment.

Ak has keilim because it has the purpose to bring things into the world.

Atik has the role of bringing God himself into the world and thus it has no vessels/keilim.

Malchus/Kingship is the source of all in the world – He gives decrees that represent Him and not the world.

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