Aeter with R' Paltiel 9/29/09 Tuesday 11 Tishrei 5770 P:PayBeis
8 lines from the top of the page pay beis.
There is a union based on the fact that malchus becomes atik for the world below it. This is for the sake of making a connection within the worlds themselves, says the eitz chaim.
This seems to be saying something different from what we said earlier that the connection was to higher worlds, not within the worlds.
When there is an increase of light (tosfot ohr), you may think it is just quantitative, but it is that you have an ohr that is not necessary for the funciont itself, it is qualitatively different and raises the whole phenomenon. That is what the eitz chaim is referring to, additional light at the chitzoni level. The pnimi of the ohr is this light of malchus that is not for the sake of the lower worlds, but connects to them.
In pnimius there is no possibility of separation.
This, that malchus connects the lower with the higher worlds is similar to binah, that is called shchinah, in that it connects the 3 higher sphirot (mochin) with the lower 7 sphirot (midot). This is the matter of the connection of the first 2 letter with the last 2 letters in G-d's name.
“Mi bara ayleh” - is indicationg that binah is creating the lower midot. Beyond this binah can affect the middot with mochin – these middot reflect and represent the mochin.
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