Friday, September 25, 2009

The king, the creation and prayer

Aeter with R' Paltiel 9/25/09 Friday 7 Tishrei 5770 P:PayBeis

Four lines from the top of the page.

(A review of page pay aleph: at the top of the page we were looking at the malchus and its two levels. The lower level connects the king with the people and this connects the people with the essence of the king.

This translates in various ways – yisroel saba and yisroel zuta, which corresponds to the two levels of tephilah (prayer). These are prayer of the week day and prayer of Shabbat.

In both of these is arusa delieba (arousal of the heart). This arousal is being examined through the metaphor of running to the king and being with the king.)

We are looking a the two levels of tephilah.

Malchus is called shchina, not only since it descends into biya, but since it connects atzilus with biya. It becomes a link. It becomes atik for the world below it.

The principle of malchus being called shchinah is due to the connection it makes between the higher and the lower worlds. (tephilah was discussed to show the distinction between the higher and lower levels).

In creation we have separate entities. Binah makes the worlds. Briah is allusion to yesh mi ein. It creates in a manner that becomes yesh (something) mi ein (from nothing).

נתניהו בנאומו על הרבי from bhol on Vimeo.


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