Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The king and the traffic lights

Aeter with R' Paltiel 9/2/09 Wednesday 13 Elul 5769 Page: Pay

Page Pay – about a third from the top.

Romemus permits a relationship without involvement. Sechel doesn't have this ability. Malchus can relate without being absorbed – drawn into it.

Malchus, so to speak, requires a creation to express itself. But this is the lower level of malchus – etzem hamalchus is the principle of supremacy as it is unto itself.

We used the example of a traffic light – on the people's level the light is a security measure, but from the perspective of each driver they would rather not have a cross-street. A king has a completely different perspective.

He's the king of the entire land and the land expresses his greatness, and he encompasses everything – thus the king will have many, many people, each with their own path in life – so it is part of his malchus that he has people going north-south and others going west-east. So now the light represents the essence of the malchus.

This is malchus being dressed in biya – the nature of the king is dressed in the nature of his people.

The infinity in creation/nation is representative of malchus of hashem. The co-ordination of this variety shows the greatness of the king.

The US government was formed to protect the individual. In a kingdom the people represent the greatness of the king. The people serve the king and this elevates them to the level of the king. In the US the constitution it does say, “one nation under G-d” so there is an acknowledgement of a higher principle. This is a current debate, do we live in a spiritless system or a G-dly kingdom?


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