Aeter with R' Paltiel 9/10/09 Thursday 21 Elul 5769 Page: Pay
Page Pay – lower quarter of the page. 5 lines from the bottom.
The two levels in malchus – absorbing from above, and descending into biya are the kesser of malchus and the tes sphirot of malchus.
The kesser of malchus is the element of romemus and hisnasus. This is the principle of being a metziut (being malchus as opposed to being an ohr), but the metziut is beyond meziut. Normally a metziut needs some kind of substantiation and support – malchus is completely beyond this.
Like we say in davening – the King is elevated unto himself and is above the days of world. That is a level of the king that does not relate to world.
Ohrot atzmi'im are like rays of the sun in the sun. They say what the sun is. Sun itself does not need to say “I am bright”. The sun is bright 'cos darkness doesn't exist in the sun. Light is a derivative of this essence. Kesser, like the sun, doesn't say what it is.
Malchus is the presence that says “no statement needs to be made” - it has absorbed ohrot atzmium and become an etzem. Ultimately the people relates to the king as he is unto himself.
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