AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Ellul 5775
23 of pamphlet –
3rd paragraph from the top of the page. Line begins: 'vekol
zeh...'). Page 17 of the book.
For text see below.
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vessels of the higher world (atzilus) are the source for the three
lower worlds.
the lights of atzilus are in a different category.
bring the principle of the source, to the outside, and this is where
they acquire a presence. At the high level of atzilus they
continually point to their source.
teaches that a king by definition is totally remote from the people.
He is head and shoulders above them. He is not in the same realm.
So why does he accept to be a king. A king over the people. And
God accepts that He will be over us.
king has this element of accepting. In order to accept he must not
reign over something external to him – everything must be dedicated
to him and then he accepts.
transformation takes place and he becomes part of the people and the
people become part of him.
human being has and needs a home. Does the home contribute to the
person or does the person contribute to the home? It is both. But
how? The man is protected, and the home is illuminated by the man.
the man came into his home, they were vessels without light.
brings out a real, undefined, infinite light. Man is not infinity,
but in the worldly context he is infinity. The world does not define
the lights of atzilus are revealing that which is contained in Him –
ohr ein sof.
the light is united with the ohr ein sof, like a flame flickering on
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