Friday, August 14, 2015

“You Don't Understand” p:22/17

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Tammuz 5775 

Page 22 of pamphlet – (At 5 lines from the end of the page. Line begins: 'dafka...'). Page 17 of the book. For text see below.

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Your ability to understand is not based on logic. It is based on will. The will provides the sense that there is a reality.

Life is experienced every second and there is not way to explain it. And you will never get tired of life. Even though you have lived and know it, you want it with every fiber of your being. It is beyond human grasp. The wanting is inexplicable. You have life, but not in your sechel/mind. Mind is a derivative of it.

Mind must rule man on a practical level, but it must not usurp the place of ratzon.

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