Monday, March 1, 2010

The light is the presence of the sun

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 3/1/10 Monday 15 Adar 5770

Page 12 – the fourth line from the end of the page.

There is a gap between the mashpiah and the way the sechel is formulated. It is not the essence, it is “according to the manner of the essence”.

It could be said that in ohr, it is exactly like the essence, but the shefa is only according to the manner of the essence.

How can something coming out from the essence, be exactly like the essence?!

The light reflects not the existence of the essence, but its essence. Ohr is not merely a functional level. Ohr is actually reflective of the etzem / essence itself. The ohr is in a state of devaykus mamash – true connection. The ohr is the presence of the shemesh.

This is similar to above, where the light of elokus is in a state of cleaving / devaykus and this is why it is of the aspect of ein sof, like the etzem. This ohr has a techila / beginning, because it has a source in the essence.

The sun illuminates the space around it, not because it relates to the space, the sun is into itself - “it is what it is”.

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