Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Angel Fish p: 42

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:42 3/1/2011 Tuesday 25 AdarAleph 5771

Page 42 – 3 lines from the end of second paragraph (line starts “kuli...”).

We have been looking at circle and straight reality. This corresponds to sea and dry land. Sea creatures are merged with their source. On dry land if one recognizes, then he accepts the input of his mashpia/mentor.

This is the principle of the mute and the articulate. The medrash talks of a king who set up 2 palaces, one with mutes and the other with articulate residents. In the sea/circles the creatures are nullified and mute – this is like Moshe Rabbenu, who had a speech impediment. This is like the level of angels, who don't talk and don't have choice – they are like fish.

The articulate ones, don't just have the ability to talk, but they have the mind/faculties/vessels and awareness to express.

Ratzon and oneg (will and pleasure) are above the mind – they surround the mind, they have no specificity in these faculties. Anything with specificity and definition can stand in the world. Without definition, where does it stand? Ratzon does not have a real identity. It is the direct reflection of the nefesh. In ratzon/will there is no way to elaborate on it till it comes into mochin/mind.

This is hisrachvut – breadth of mind - this is the freedom/life that sechel provides, though it is sourced in the ratzon/will. Being pro-active means your will/ratzon is at work and informing your sechel – this is the torah view – He took us out of Egypt – Exodus and gave us freedom, vs a naturalist view where all human activity is reactive.

The truth is there is a nefesh/soul that wants life and G-dliness and from that comes the arousal of the sechel to define, how does one express the G-dly presence in the world.

Ratzon is infinitely superior to sechel – it is the real life, but in terms of expressing the praise of the king, for that sechel is needed.

This explains why unions are found in the straight world and not in the circle reality. Union is the giving of essence – and in circle reality the creatures do not have an individual reality. On the land creatures tend to stand on their feet, and they have territory they occupy. Fish are merged with their surrounding, like a fetus in the womb.

Land creatures have a level of independence and metzius, so when shown another entity he can relate to it. Thus when there is a bitul it doesn't nullify his existence it gives him recognition of the higher level.

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