Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Rooster Calls p: 46

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 46 3/24/2011 Thursday 18 AdarBase 5771

Page 46 - about a third from the top of the page (line starts: ach...)

Angels have yediah and hasagah, they are full-fledged entities. They are excited by what they realize and sing about it! How does the union of chochmah and binah above create angels – angels with a full experience?! We had been thinking of this of kind of union being external and not able to create a mehus.

The answer is that this creation of angels and that level of creatures, are not davar mamash.

The rooster and all creatures are rooted above.

Everything that occurs here below is really a reflection. The rooster call, when alerted from above. This is a reflection of the angel Gavriel alerting the souls above.

When we follow through on an action that seems rational, it is because it is a reflection of a higher truth, 'this is the way it should be...'

One can have a rebellious youth and there is nothing compelling one to act rationally. It is a higher sense coming from the soul – a reflection – that defines right and wrong and a proper balance.

Car racing is rooted in tzimzum. It is a world of darkness without a spark of light. So too the underworld – it is below the tzimzum. It is based only on the tangible.

If the shoresh should be revealed on the creation, then he will lose his existence all together. The rooster will still crow, but it will no longer be a rooster experience. It would just be the higher experience. This is like hashem showing his 'small finger' and the contentious angels were nullified. This is contrast to Israel that can say, 'zeh keili ve-anvey-hu – this is my G-d and I will praise him!' - they could see G-d, their source, and yet still be themselves and praise Him.

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