Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Source and Destination p: 45

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 45 3/15/2011 Tuesday 9 AdarBase 5771

Page 45 – about a third from top of the page (line starts: haolamot...) at the end of the line.

The kav/line is later drawn from the nekudah/point. The nekudah is found in the reshima/trace discussed yesterday. Everything in the world has a process – beginning, middle and end. In Ohr Ein Sof there is no process – in every point there is everything.
This is like the fact that in every human cell, is contained the DNA for the entire body. Worldliness is process, but there is infinity in the world.

The point that was left behind after the tzimzum became the source for the worlds. This is like the letter yud in Hashem's name.

Being a source to the world (makor le-olamot): ohr has a self-contained reality, but ha-arah/reflection has the effect of the light, but lacks a self-contained reality. Light is not seen unless it strikes an object. But the sun itself is a bright orb that can easily be seen. This is to say that the light is noted only when it has a function and hits an object.

A car and a human can both move. But the movement of the car only exists when it actually moves – it has only the functionality of movement, but not the essence. The human being, even when not moving is an entity of movement. Similarly the sunlight that comes to us is only the functional level of light – this is the definition of world. This is ohr be keili – a light in a vessel – without essence. World – olamot is not a real presence – it is the effect of a presence.

So thus to make worlds you cannot bring an essence. Like the essence of the neshamah/soul cannot be placed in the body cos then it would be life itself, not a living body.

Atzilus is the point that remains after the tzimzum and that permits it to be the source to the worlds. This is a point of chochmah - this is like sight – a glance that contains the whole view.

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