Sunday, March 20, 2011

Choose Life p: 45

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 45 3/20/2011 Sunday 14 AdarBase Purim 5771

Page 45 – lower third of the page – 5 lines from the end of the page (line starts: al yeday... at the word “hinei”)

Chochmah and binah is the unity of ein/nothing and yesh/something. This is the creation of the worlds.

Yesh/something has to be rooted in ein/nothing. These things are elusive in our world if something is created it means it is not a fundamental existence. It was brought into existence and it can cease to exist. Its presence is dependent. The real presence of the creation is based on its connection to the ein/nothing.

The ratzon is the human sense of value. This gives things a reality. Even though the hand is used to place the object it is the wish/ratzon that motivates the movement...

we see the scene at a glance – we see the whole thing. What is it that we see? The ratzon – as if everything came into existence by my wish! This is an element of ein. This is ein in the human context – this is life itself.

This is something that originates from life itself.

Binah does not understand chochmah. It is illuminated by it, but cannot experience it.

We try to understand. You see a panorama. You look at it for a long time. But though you may remember it you just have the experience when you experience it. It has to do with ratzon. You don't decide what there is to see. If you see what you want to see, then that's not sight, that's looking with your hands.

We discussed before, darkness and light. In the dark by touch you can feel the whole setup of a room. But compare that to light and seeing the room. Touching an object and knowing that its there means that you knock against it – you identify an object by a negative process. All of science and philosophy is based on this – there is a contstant conflict between all objects and processes – humans grew by fighting the elements. This is living in the dark. You know of things only by negative effect.

Knowing something in the light is due to a positive experience. It is an infinite reality – it comes from ein. You see what it stands for. You see what it's message is.

Ratzon is the real life. I want to live because I want to live, not because I don't want to die.

Chochmah relates to this light. Chochmah has bitul it realates to reality itself and not from fear. If binah is fed by chochmah then it has this settled light way. This is what Tanya brings – 'there is nothing in holiness except what derives from chochmah'.

Chosing to live like a human being is based on the recognition of something beyond oneself. The world has light and reality. A beast doesn't see this. The first step is to live by choice. Live like a human being.

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