Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nothingness cannot be captured p: 44

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:44 3/9/2011 Wednesday 3 AdarBase 5771

Page 44 – at the 6th line of the second paragraph.

The rebbe says that chochmah itself is also part of that realm called ayin/ein/nothingness. “Chochmah is the first point of the G-dly ein that can relate to worlds and becomes the source for wordls.”

the point is that elokus is the single point and the single basis for any existence. There is no compare between elokus and world. Elokus is ein and world is yesh. Everything in the world has definition, that distinguishes it and gives it presence.

Space becomes part of an area that can then be developed into a neighborhood. The space is unchanged. Space is ein and cannot be captured in yesh. Ein cannot, not be. It is the absolute basis that provides for existence. The G-dly truth cannot be translated in yesh. This is like open space, which provides for the earth, surfaces and homes, but it itself is above being captured.

Thus we say the chochma is also ein. For anything to exist it has to have an element of ein eloki in some form to give it existence. Ein of chochmah is also ein, but at a different level.

The whole world is just a reflection of the real thing. The essence of Ohr Ein Sof (Baruch Hu) is totally not in the category of even being a source for worlds. And it is not possible that from it would be sourced worlds (even though ultimately the worlds do come from etzem!)

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