Monday, March 7, 2011

The way it is p: 44

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:44 3/7/2011 Monday 1 AdarBase 5771

Page 44 – at the top.

The basis of sechel is to know that there is a First Being that brings all into being. You acknowledge the source. Sechel represents the reality, but only a ha-araa. A reflection of that which is built upon the principle of there being a First Creator.

From ha-araa cannot be created a new entity. There is a limit to its effect. Since it is ruchni/spiritual it is chitzoni/external.

Hashpaa gufni is what results in a new creation. Thus a real stand-alone entity is created. A new full-fledged entity, that itself becomes a source.

Angels originate from spiritual unions. In their creation the essence of the originators is not brought forth, only the externality.

p44 AyinBase, Rebbe Rashab, from the top

Hashpaa, means and intentional mentorship/influence. There is an intended transfer from the one to the other. This is to exclude an automatic effect. If one overhears another learning aloud, it is not hashpaa. The effect, even if the material is clear, will not compare to the quality of the same material when intended for him.

It is commonly argued that 'it makes sense, but does that mean that it is true?!' This is a way to knock out a sechel and ask for 'empirical proof'. They will say the truth is only that which is empirically proven – and the physical world becomes all they can relate to.

The ha-araa is the sense that 'yes, this is universal'. But that all will acknowledge it as the truth. But the way it exists by the mashpia, his knowledge is not dependent on the ability to convince others or to convince them. This is the pnimi/interior of the matter. It is more real than the physical. This element he doesn't give over in hashpaa. You should understand on the sechel level.

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