Friday, March 11, 2011

A Completely Different Level p: 44-5

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:44-5 3/11/2011 Friday 5 AdarBase 5771

Page 44 – at the 2nd line from end of the second paragraph.

The hashpaa from the teacher is only the chitzoni/external element of the ha-arah.

The student is not capable of accepting more than this.

In everything there is the fact and then there is the substance, that gives it reality – gives it a strong foundation, not just an external structure. All must have a foundation – nothing stands on it's own. For the student the foundation is 'that he received it from the mashpia'. He may understand it and it may make sense to him, but that doesn't constitute a basis. After he absorbs it, he finds a personal basis. So at first he won't have the pnimius/internal element/foundation of it.

The tzimzum means that the inner/pnimius of the ohr/light becomes concealed. The inner element is not it's function or effect – it is the truth element of that entity. To make 'worlds' that are in a different category, that has it's own parameters and is disassociated from anything above it, He used the process of tzimzum.

Tzimzum means the inner aspect is contained in an external reflection. For the mashpia the chitzonius/external element doesn't even exists. He sees it as it relates to it's source. Therefore when there is a tzimzum the entire principle is retracted – pnimius and chitzonius. Ultimately the effect is that the pnimius remains concealed and the chitzonius is recreated on a completely different level.

This allows for the student to receive a new perception piece-meal. Without the tzimzum you wouldn't have the ability to build and receive it step by step.

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