Thursday, March 17, 2011

Deeper Than That! p: 45

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 45 3/17/2011 Thursday 11 AdarBase 5771

Page 45 – middle of the page (line starts: makor le-olamot...)

In the world you see things in stages, but in chochmah you first see the source and then you see it's function. This is chochmah. This is atzilus. You have ohr ein sof – but concealed. We see the panorama at a glance – we attend first to the reality and then later the details.

When you enter a room and you see all the details, the first glance gives you the purpose, “Oh, look at this bright wedding hall...” This is like His purpose preceding the creation/formation of the world.

The chochmah of atzilus is called ein/nothing.

Ha-arah has been discussed before. Light/ohr and ha-arah/reflection are both emanations from the essence/etzem. Ohr is the level of representing the full true element of light. Same has been said of the neshamah – it is life itself, not that which makes the experience of life – this is light.

Then there is Ha-arah – this is not the essence of light, but rather the functional effect of light. This ha-arah relative to the essence is really ein/nothing – it is just a reflection of it.

Recently we have been using the mashal/metaphor of 'space'. We see a panorama – we see what space provides, but the reality of space is deeper than that! Objects do not occupy space at it's essential level, only at the functional level.

When we see the huge expanse at a glance, we are seeing the essential element of space, not the function. And that we can see in an instant – it is an essential reality.

This is the meaning of 'past, present and future; like one'. All of time in an instant. You are seeing how the function is provided for not on the functional level but on the essential level. You have the ein/nothing and the yesh/something.

The ein/nothing cannot be seen, but we see there is a nothing there that substantiates everything.

We say sight and chochmah is phenomenal – we see the G-dly presence, the reality behind the world. We say, “the eye sees and the heart desires” - without sight the world is not real.

Atzilus is a memutsah – it has both – the ein/nothing representing G-dliness and the ein/nothing representing functionality and the 10 sphirot.

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