Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Discreet Relationship p: 44

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:44 3/10/2011 ThursdayNight 4 AdarBase 5771

Page 44 – at the 6th line from end of the second paragraph.

He could have made the whole world without a system. He made the world in a systemic way – this gives the creation full depth.

World and Ohr Ein Sof are categorically different. The body receives from the soul the experience of life, not the essence of life. Thus of the soul, a subset of it, a reflection of it is dressed in the body. The life of the soul/neshamah is not life in contrast to lifelessness! The experience of life is by means of this contrast. If the essence of life was revealed then the body would no longer be a body.

The soul has such a discreet relationship to the body that one can be completely oblivious to it.

Our real job is to reveal that the form/tzurah is the real thing. 'To give priority to form over matter'.

That's why torah and mitzvot are such a challenge and hardwork, since they relate to the spirituality/G-dliness over the physical.

In the sun there is a level of light that if for illumination. Then there is another level – yes, it illumnates, but it has a source, ohr by definition has a source, you cannot capture a piece of light, so from the inner perspective it is not unto itself or for the illumination of the world, it is butul/null to the sun itself. It is there not because the world needs light, but because the sun exists!

The inner level of light has no connection to the world. It is all about the illumator.

At 3rd line from the end of the page: it is known that in every case of mashpia/teacher and mekabel/student, that, that which is give from the one to the other is only a ha-arah chitzoni that can be given over. This is because the essential element of the light cannot be received. Something that lacks an element and then has something novel presented to it, must be addressed from within his context.

There is an old song, a villager when to the big town and heard about the king and princes, and he says, “please, tell me, how does a king eat potatoes...” - he relates to kingship from his perspective of having to worry about getting his next potato!

The teacher has to present to the student so that he can grasp it in his state of being in the dark...

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