Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Encompassing Light p: 46

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 46 3/23/2011 Wednesday 17 AdarBase Purim 5771

Page 46 - 5 lines from the top of the page (line starts: venivro-im...)

Yesterday we identified the level of light called ha-arah/reflection.

A main, subtle point in this area, there seems to be an implication that creation is just from the transfer of chochmah, but there has to be a union. It needs to be understood that the whole idea of flow from one level to another is representative of an element that is superior to both of them. This is what called the makif. It is this superior light that is revealed by the union.

Chochmah and binah are so different. The light that encompasses both of them facilitates their union.

The rav's/teacher's sense of the universality is the makif that enables him to give part of the truth to the student.

A child is loved in part because one has a sense of eternity. This gives a sense of scale beyond one's on existence – it goes across time and space. This is what his chochmah recognizes. In terms of marriage this is the chupah that encompasses the whole world and this is what facilitates the zivug/union.

Now inside the text: at the end of the 5th line on page 46. Angels have yediah and hasagah, they are full-fledged entities. They are excited by what they realize and sing about it! How does the union of chochmah and binah above create angels – angels with a full experience?! We had been thinking of this of kind of union being external and not able to create a mehus.

The answer is that this creation of angels and that level of creatures, are not davar mamash.

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