Friday, March 4, 2011

Infinite Table p: 43

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p:43 3/4/2011 Friday 28 AdarAleph 5771

Page 43 – at the end of the 5th line (line starts “davar...”).

Essential hashpaa/mentorship is only possible in the world of yoshar, since it is essence to essence/etzem.

This is like the king with two palaces. In one he places, articulate/open/wise subjects. They have mochin/mind, which enable one to relate to complete entities and have full comprehension – not just absorbtion by osmosis. Sechel takes things piecemeal.

In zivugim/unions the haspaa is 'essence-to-essence' which is possible only in a place of yoshar and pikchim.

It is true that essence is a true entity. Within the world there is no such thing as essence. Everything is teva/relational. So where is the essence? We say in zivugim/unions there is an element of infinity – infinity within the creation. This is infinity as it manifests itself in the creation, but the creation is not an essence.

The Rambam says, that some imagine, “a steel ship flying in space and it is obvious that this is not possible.” But now we have planes. Does this mean the Rambam was wrong? We explain that what he is saying is that “sechel cannot relate to this kind of phenomenon – steel cannot fly – and the fact that planes fly is because, 'world is bigger than world', there is a G-dly presence in the world and it is not limited to nature, it contains an infinity way beyond itself.”

This is what opens up our minds to see, there is a world and there is a Creation. There is world and there is beyond – there is Elokus – look what He created.

One essence influences another. “this metzius – I am not made by my own resources, there is a higher reality”. Klipa says, “its all about me”. Yet nature itself manifests something that is beyond nature.

We feel comfortable in our surroundings. The table stands on the floor... but what supports the earth. Nothing. There's no natural process. “The earth is suspended on nothing”.

If we really thought that all is held together by gravity and 'cause and effect', we would feel that the way tables and chairs and cups are steady is very precarious. We would feel ourselves to be in a house of cards.