Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Levels of Light p: 46

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 46 3/22/2011 Tuesday 16 AdarBase 5771

Page 46 - 2 line from the top of the page (line starts: chulu...)

Ohr is representative of an etzem/essence.

An essence is not a composite.

Essence means that it is what it is 'through and through'.

An etzem by definition has ohr. Why? If something is not a composite, it means that it is representative of a fundamental reality/truth. A table has a function. It is finite. For it to exist it needs to be made up of components and materials. Essence doesn't have components and thus represents an absolute reality – thus it has the element that it's truth is not just true unto itself, but universally – this it it's ohr.

The union of chochmah and binah is external. The result is only an ha-araa. Sechel represents an insight of the teach. Sechel is the means of representing this truth.

The teacher presents his sechel, based on the universal truth based behind the sechel. This means the hashpaa of sechel is real. There is ohr/light, not just information. What kind of light? Only a ha-araa. It illuminates even the student who cannot access the source of the sechel.

“Generations come and go and the earth stands forever” – a verse in koheles. A subway car can handle all the people, but one after the other, not all at once. This is logical, but it points to a deeper truth. There is infinity in the world. And the world can handle everyone so long they give space for each other.

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