Friday, June 24, 2011

“Day on Earth” p: 46

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 46 6/23/11 ThursdayNight 22 Sivan 5771

Page 46 – 4 lines from the end of the page (line starts: kuli...) 

It says in Tanya that the creations are just a 'reflection from the Source that makes them' – and that has to be qualified – 'they are not the reflection, but rather the reflection of the reflection'.

The sun is a metaphor for us of essence. And the sun has a 'reflection' and 'a reflection of a reflection'. The sun is a bright essence. The brightness is not on a functional level. It makes the statement, 'the primary state of existence is light and not dark – the light is not to counter the darkness'. For us knowledge comes after not knowing. Light after darkness. The sun does not have this element. It says, 'light is the primary state!'

Light in our world has 2 levels. Light to be used get around, and the other is the light that makes 'day' (a state of light, where darkness is banished). The light of the sun provides illumination. But the sun itself provides 'day' – a new state. This is due to the presence of the sun itself. It is the 'reflection' – ha-arah of the sun itself that makes day. The ha-arah tells you what the sun it. It does not make worldly phenomena, since light which fights darkness is worldly, but 'day' is not really a worldly phenomena.

Light changes and moves. We know light by shadow and shade. We can see how the sun moves. The experience is within a worldly parameter. The shadows change hour to hour. But the element of 'day' does not change. As long it is day, you don't feel the closeness of night. So it doesn't have worldly parameters.

Creations are made from the reflection of the reflection of the creator. This is equivalent to the light which is functional, as opposed to transformational. The stone makes a statement about its presence. The stone is mute yet quietly announces - 'I am being created'.

The functional element of the essence is not represented in the creation. Emunah/faith is a ha-arah/reflection of the soul and the faculties of man are a ha-arah of the ha-arah.

Our original question: if everything is ha-arah, so how come the angels have sechel which represent a being that is 'an actual thing'.     

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