Thursday, June 23, 2011

“The Defficiency of Angels” p: 46

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 46 6/23/11 ThursdayNight 22 Sivan 5771

Page 46 – about middle of the page (line starts: ha tachton...) 

A subtle point. The creations above – the angels, though real creations, created from spiritual unions, but since they are sourced of spiritual unions they lack a final level of being a full-fledged entity unto itself.

When the rooster calls, in the morning one makes a bracha! Where do we see He is involved?! The answer is that the sound of the rooster is aroused from above. The root of the bird below is from the angel gavriel above. When the angel sings, the rooster crows!

What does it indicate for us? Though the rooster is real, it is a direct reflection of the way things are above. Man is different, though also a reflection of above, he is a replica and can hence do 'his own thing'. The other creations are reflections and hence must do as guided from above. They do according to their nature. Animals react, but humans respond! The human stance – standing and walking, is not 'natural'. It is entirely intellectual.

Angels are nullified when their source shines on them. This is not like the humility and nullity of the simpleton in the presence of a wise man. He still has a presence, yet in terms of wisdom he will be humble and receive. Angels on the other hand will go into heder metziut – this is absence of presence. This is the shortfall of the angels, though they have emotion and mochin/mind – they lack the actuality of human beings.

They do not possess an element called resistance. Hence the angel will dissipate in the face of greater light. A human in the face of greater truth, that he cannot grasp will still stand.

The angel lacks an essential presence. The human soul has an essential presence. Creations represent His creative power, but human beings represent G-d Himself (to such an extent that safeguards had to be put in place lest the creatures see man as G-d!)

What did Amalek do? 'He knows his Creator and intentionally rebels against Him!' what about Pharoah? Didn't he rebel against G-d and His people?! Pharoah king of Egypt saw open miracles. But he did not see the Miracle Maker. Amalek is different – he approached Israel en route to matan torah – mount Sinai and their souls were aflame – this is not a miracle – this is an actual G-dly presence. To have chutzpah to interfere with that presence, which supersedes all miracles is a lower level. This is more than what Pharoah did.

Angels are proof of the G-dly power, but the human being is presence – a G-dly presence.

The angels are an existence under certain circumstances. The human soul is a real existence, beyond circumstances.

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