Monday, June 13, 2011

“Out of the Blue” p: 45

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 45 6/13/2011 Monday 11 Sivan 5771

Page 45 – mid point of the page (line starts: makor...) 

We have explained that to facilitate creation, there had to be an intermediary of atzilus, that was different from ohr ein sof. The infinity of ohr ein sof is beyond created entities and thus cannot be their source.

Chochmah has cognizance of the ohr ein sof, but in a 'knowable' manner. And this becomes the 'reishis' of atzilus – the origin of the world of atzilus. The world of atzilus is bitul to the chochmah. Chochmah can see a topic as it is, without the need to format it or personalize it. This chochmah is the start of the ein eloki – 'the G-dly nothing' to be the source of the worlds of biyah (the lower worlds).

Atzilus is an intermediary and the worlds of biya by contrast are created entities. How is atzilus not a creation? Atzilus is chochmah and no matter what chochmah experiences, it sees it in its place, in the ohr ein sof, it doesn't translate and say, 'this is mine, this is my knowledge'.

What is the ein eloki – the 'G-dly nothing' that it becomes a source for the worlds of biya. We said yesterday, speech describes something, but doesn't give the essence – it deals with the effect, the nothing rather than the actual, so too there is a 'nothing' that precedes creation.

To explain something to someone, you have to 'put yourself in his shoes' – you feign not knowing about it. This is the 'ein' / nothing of this sechel. You look at the topic from the 'not knowing position' and there he sees the ein/nothing. For the one who knows he sees how the topic/sechel originates from his ratzon. But that he cannot give to the student. What can he give? He gives it from the ein/nothing. He presents it 'out of the blue'.

When one sees a tree and doesn't understand how it stands, and where it gets its life from, then it is a representation. But when you know about the roots in the earth and the power that He placed in the earth then you have a real sense. There is not tangibility to the source. This is the ein to which he can begin to relate. Ein – nothing – is the hidden truth. 

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