Thursday, June 23, 2011

“Angels in the Architecture” p: 46

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 46 6/23/11 Thursday 21 Sivan 5771 

Page 46 – about 10th line of the page (line starts: omdim...)

How are the angels created from an external union, when they have emotion and mochin/mind? They have a gasp of things (hasaga) independently of how it strikes them. This indicates and independent stance.

The answer to this is that at the level of deeper truth the angels are not 'real entities' (davar mamash). Something a person says, exists till he stops talking. It does not create a 'stand alone' entity. But if you build something physical and you want it not to exist, it needs to be dismantled. This means it becomes an actual 'physical thing'. Angels lack this quality.

When man was made, truth arrived. G-d's representative was put in his creation. The Creator was present, and the world became a real existence. Angels function like real creations, but they lack this truth of 'stand alone' creations. Only man can sin. They are an existence unto themselves and can think independently of their creator. Man's positive deeds create the world.

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