Wednesday, June 22, 2011

“Light Around the World” p: 46

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 46 6/22 Wednesday 20 Sivan 5771

Page 46 – 7th line of the page (line starts: vekan...)

The unity of chochmah and binah is comprable to spiritual hashpaa/mentorship. This is at the level of reflection, not essence. So why do we say that by it angels are created? And the angels have emotion and mochin/mind, which is indicative of a 'fully-fledged' presence.

Emotions are a sense and a presence, but that's not a question, since it is not providing independent existence, as mochin does.

Human beings respond to situations, by evaluation, but animals react without cognition. There is no element of intelligence in an animal. A human, by contrast processes things internally as do angels.

There are higher level angels, called seraphim, that understand beyond what they experience. They understand holiness and strive for it.

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