Thursday, June 2, 2011

Not Homeless p: 44

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 44 6/2/2011 ThursdayNight 29 Iyar 5771

Page 44 – middle of the page at the second paragraph – 6 lines from the foot of the page. (line starts: bays hey..) 

We have been looking at the difference between souls and angels.

What is the principle of ha-arah/reflection? It facilitates the creation of world. World means his-havus – 'coming into being'. A moment of 'not' and then 'coming into being'.

We bring furnishings into the home since it elicits this. In a certain way the furnishings and the home are of equal significance. A home represents a kingdom. A person is a king in his home. It provides not just function, but the space itself becomes part of his domain. The essence of a human being demands a home, due to his sense of malchus. This is beyond functionality. 

A human needs to have his comforts waiting for him. First we have the house and then we furnish it. There is an order in this world. Though at source they are of equal importance. In the ratzon/will all the details are contained.

There is no comparison between the souls experience in this world and in the world to come. Here the body has to labor hard to keep the soul attached to it. This is ha-arah. You have a soul in a body. It gives it life – this is a worldly presence. The soul illuminates the body at the level of the body. If one doesn't focus one loses track of what the soul is saying.  

We do hiskafia – not to indulge the body, so it won't become insensitive to the presence of the soul.

The table is grasped by its edges not the surface. When you bring a table into your house, 'did you bring in wood in the shape of a table, or a table made of wood?!”  

the secularists who see all coming from the big bang, describe the 'evolution' of the table – the wood preceded the table. Contrast this with another view, 'no, there is a human being with soul and mind and a perception of reality and he demands that there exist such a thing as a table... and then he creates it from wood. So there is a table made from wood!'

The wood is just a vessel for what is really there.

The body never becomes soul. The soul enlivens the body. It is a reflection of real life. This is ha-arah.

The soul in the body, heals and rejuvenates it... the soul gives the body this ability, because the soul cannot be broken, but it provides just a ha-arah of this element.

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