Monday, June 20, 2011

Real Mind p: 45

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 45 - 6 6/20/2011 Monday 18 Sivan 5771

Page 45 - 6 – last line of the page (line starts: kmo...) 

Bina brings something into existence on the level of thought. Malchus brings it into actual existence.

Thought on the one hand is an external presence, yet on the other hand it is privy to the chochmah – it is a very close garment.

The union of chochmah/nothing and binah/something is the source of the worlds. But this is only involving their external levels and thus a reflection results. Sometimes we confuse thought with chochmah and binah. Thought is only the presentation of them, not the way they are in the nefesh.

For us, since we experience things at the external level, we think of understanding as observation. Yet this is not really sechel/mind in the real sense of the world. Then there is real sechel – 'the understanding of how things operate is because I understand the truth behind it – things fall down – gravity pulls them – this is not sechel, this is identification of the fact – the sechel is that in the world things fall down – this is telling you about the world. The physical situation is 'as it is' due to a real principle. Thus that things fall down represents that in the world everything senses its source/root is in the earth. The exception to that is the soul of man which is not rooted in the earth. Sechel is not significant to physical phenomena. You see via mind. It sees what things stand for.'

'Fire is the ein of world and it rises. It rises up to the boundary of the word. The soul of man is drawn to a higher perspective completely – it doesn't want to be part of world...!'

'Sechel is a certain way of relating to and observing things. And it is to some extent separate from how things present themselves on the physical level. In sechel is chochma and binah. There is the something and nothing. There is the union of these and the coming into existence of world.'

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