Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something and Nothing p: 44

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 44 6/2/2011 Thursday 29 Iyar 5771

Page 44 – middle of the page (line starts: vehinei...) 

Previously we saw there are two ways to affect things. These are called hashpah/mentorship on the level of ruchni/spirit/mind and the other is the physical level. sechel/mind is a nefesh/soul element. hashpah/mentorship on the gashmi/physical level is the essential/reality level itself.

In general if one needs a 100 and someone says here's 200 then the extra doesn't negate the first 100. So why does the rebbe say from ohr ein sof cannot come worlds, you would think, 'it has more than worlds!' The answer is that hishavut is something, 'coming into being'. Our world is 'time and space'. Time is the principle of constant addition. It is not an infinite presence. This is world – constant revelation. Makom/space is also cumulative. For such a thing to exist there has to be a ha-arah that doesn't give the full impact of the source, but provides a modified subset of the source.

This is like we said yesterday – in our world a rock stands for something invulnerable and steadfast – but this is what it 'represents' since in truth it stands for nothing and this is the basis of its invulnerability. The real essence contains all and is invulnerable, not on the basis of insensitivity. This is the concept of ha-arah – reflection.

Hishavut – coming into being: being is an element of truth and an element of the source from which it comes. But the source is an essential truth and thus the 'coming into being' doesn't exist. So hishavut – coming into being, just doesn't exist on the level of essential truth.

In order to present a combination of being and not being, there has to be a ha-arah (a reflection of the true being). This is affected by the tzimzum.

Ha-arah means the effect of something rather than the essence of something.

At the time of 'giving the Torah', Israel said, 'we will do it' – they went beyond world and mind with this statement and acceptance. This is like Abraham discovering there is a Master to the word, and then wanting to relate to Him. He went through all kinds of tests up to the binding of Isaac which is completely beyond the level of sechel/mind. He recognized that the world is completely subservient to essence.     

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