Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Soul Live p: 46

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 46 6/21/2011 Tuesday 19 Sivan 5771 

Page 46 – 2nd line of the page (line starts: ku...)

When thinking from the external element of the world, it becomes the dominant reality and one can completely lose sight of the fact that there is pnimiut – an internal level. The inner level is the spirit and essence, rather than 'what place does it occupy'. In our world something that is 'unto itself' is without function, and a non-presence. So it is always necessary to go back and reflect on the fact that chochmah and binah are great, but they represent not what they can accomplish, but rather 'that there is a nefesh'.

Nefesh / soul is an 'essence of life' and cannot be described by its function. Thus we say faculties of the soul are the external elements, and emunah/faith represents the nefesh/soul itself. Emunah is illusive and cannot be grasped, 'it is that you are alive and have a nefesh/soul'.

The union of chochmah and bina, we have been describing, is external. This is zivug ruchni – a spiritual union.

A point to understand: 'hasaga' is a defining factor in an entity. Hasaga is sechel. An entity that has different faculties and even 'emotions' – like animals, but does not have sechel, is not a full-fledged entity. It is an off-shoot of the situation/progenitor that made it. It lack independence. It is all reactive. It depends on that which affects it. 

Sechel give real presence. What is so special about sechel? If something is reactive then their orientation is their source, they ask, 'how does this affect me?' Sechel asks for and sees the meaning of things.

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