Monday, August 15, 2011

“Essence Itself; Truth Itself” p: 51

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 51 8/15/11 Monday 15 MenachemAv 5771

P 51, Rebbe Rashab's AyinBase - right click to enlarge

Page 51 – about middle of the page (line starts: ein sof...) at the end of the line 

We learn essentially on the level of sechel/mind, which developes according to logic and chochmah which is beyond logic. This is part of the process. Sometimes the sechel is exposed to an idea that cannot be grasped. You say, 'come let's observe this...' Sight sees a reality that cannot really be explained. This is the meaning of 'heray/behold'.

Essence doesn't know about a functional level. For the sun, darkness does not exist. From the perspective of the essence, the light is 'nothing'.

Even 'truth' is a only a revelation of the essence. It is not the essence itself.

In the world of gilui/revelations, essential light is very, very significant. But from the perspective of essence it is still only a revelation.

We are looking at why the essence/etzem gives off this light.

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