Wednesday, August 3, 2011

“Truth is a Context in Itself” p: 50

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 50 8/3/11 Tuesday 3 MenachemAv 5771

Page 50 – about middle of the page (she-hen...) 

The soul is an essential element. The soul was created in a way that makes it a 'true entity' – not just a revelation or a functional element, but true unto itself. What does it mean 'true'? The meaning here is not true in contrast to false. Rather truth is something that sechel/mind cannot define. What is truth in principle – on a level we can grasp? All that exists is given presence by virtue of its function. Truth does not have a function or a 'message' in a bigger context. Truth is a context in itself. The world does not possess truth, everything is relative and based on function.

On the 5th day the whole world was complete, but no human being was present. So the world was nothing. How did the presence of the human being change the whole scene? That's because in the whole world there is no true entity. Animals are reactive. The circumstances make the animal. The human being has this element of truth unto itself. We cannot fully grasp this.

We speak only in contrast. We identify essence. And truth is the inner level of this essence. Essence is a presence and truth has no presence. Moses could see truth. He is chochmah.

Human life cannot be quantified. The fact that there is truth in human existence is due to representation of Truth – part of G-dly truth.

Truth has no definition and cannot serve as a makor/source for anything. In a relative situation you cannot identify truth/emet.

Real emes/truth is not the source for anything. It is everything!

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