Monday, August 8, 2011

“Interior Design” p: 50

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 50 8/8/11 Monday 8 MenachemAv 5771

Page 50 – 4 lines from the end of the page (at the end of the line starting: mayha-arah...) 

If the effect is from the reflection then what comes into being is not that very entity.

The light that is inside the sun, is shining in a bright area. The light that shines out into the darkness is different and a ha-arah. The light that shines out does not even exist within the sun. Reflection is 'that thing as it would be if it would be outside itself'.

The soul is life itself. Thus the fact that it gives life to the body, 'is a non-entity inside the nefesh – it is just a reflection of itself'.

The life of the body is not comparable to the life of the soul itself. The life of the body is not an essential level of life – it is a functioning life. Thus the actual presence is the body that receives the life. It is a living body – it is not 'life' itself. Only that which can be realized on the level of body is relevant.

The mehus of the soul is life itself. 

In chochmah there is inner abba (father) which is inner atik/oneg/pleasure. And this level is not sechel/mind. This aspect is found in chochmah as a reflection and can thus be translated onwards to binah...

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