Friday, August 19, 2011

“Real Rest” p: 51

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 51 8/19/11 Friday 19 MenachemAv 5771

Page 51 – 4 end of the main paragraph (line starts: ku...) 

We explained how souls are different from all levels of revelation. The souls of Israel are like the son in relation to the Father. The presence of the father gives the son a presence, but 'as a separate entity (mehus bifnay atzmo)'. Torah and G-d are one – a ruling from above – and the souls of Israel, by means of Torah, bring Him to the world, and create the unity of the Father and the sons.

By torah they become reunited with the Father.

We have pleasure that is identifiable with some type of event/occurance. We don't usually experience essential oneg/pleasure. Completion of work and the rest that ensues brings pleasure. While working and involved in a particular activity, an activity that is limited, it appears that the person is limited, 'during the activity he forgets that he is deeper than the activity' – he is focused. The enjoyment comes later. His active faculties return to their source – he has rest and pleasure. The faculties come from a living source.

It may appear that all is caused by pressure from outside – reactive – and not from the soul, but this is not the truth. There is oneg/pleasure and this is what initiates the activity.

The soldier on the front line can do his job is due to a deeper awareness. He returns from battle and connects to the source and there is tremendous pleasure.

There are 2 levels of Shabbat – cessation of work, and the level of pleasure. 6 days He made the world – this is descent and concealment/tzimzum. A descent into the active level. On the 7th day His pleasure followed. Friday night is the kind of pleasure and rest that is felt from completing the work – it is not the essence of pleasure – it is due to the absence of disturbance.

The oneg/pleasure at that level has a clear definition, 'I am no longer working...'

This is not just by contrast. The faculties are returning to their source.

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