Friday, August 5, 2011

“A Sure Place in Reality” p: 50

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 50 8/5/11 Friday 5 MenachemAv 5771

Page 50 – lower third of the page (mis-have...) 

From the essence of the father comes a new being. Hashpah of sechel/mind is not essence. The student has sechel from the teacher, but it originates within himself. The teacher, makes an engraving and formulation for the student, that he should be one turning to sechel/mind and that he will understand in a manner similar to his teacher.

But the sechel is essentially the student's.

One can learn about a room by walking and bumping in the dark. With light you can see the room at a glance. Sechel is like light. There is a level that is similar to touch – like, 'seeing with your hands' and there is a level of 'seeing the truth of it – seeing the object not because it forces itself on you, but because it has a sure place in reality'. This is like logical thought – this is also sechel, but it is external, 'like feeling one's way around – using the process of elimination' . Then there is ohr sechel, that relates to the reality of the situation and comes from the will of the soul...

The hashpah/mentorship that results in birth is different. Here it is the essence itself. This is like above in the level called atik, which is the makif for atzilus. Atik can also mean the movement of essence. 

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