Wednesday, August 10, 2011

“Universality and Personal Truth ” p: 50

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 50 8/10/11 Wednesday 10 MenachemAv 5771 

Page 50 – 5 lines from the end of the page (at the end of the line starting: hu - beneshamot...)

Makor/source means a level that stands apart, being a source and not a direct participant. It is a source, but not 'one with it'.

The phenomenon of something being created from something else means that there has to be some kind of motivation, that demands that there should be a creation from this source.

Why is the source interested in creating something different? In general, as in the case of sechel, there are 2 elements. a) 'I understand' and b) 'what I understand is true universally'. So since there is a sense of universality, it wants to express itself outward beyond the self. This is the motivation for becoming a source.

The essence itself remains contained within itself, but it expresses the universal element of itself – this is the ha-arah/reflection that serves as a makor/source.

Then there is the creation of souls. This is a different process to that described above.

In souls it is the same essence. There is procreation. Begetting a child. This is not rooted in the father's 'universal element'. Rather there is an element of truth in the father himself and this translates into another person. 'This 'me' is true in an unlimited manner'. He has an eternal element. One could say this is where, 'universality and personal truth come together'.

Thus in we have Creator and created. The Creator is in a totally different level. The created gets everything from the Creator, but it represents the level of created, not Creator.

A soul is different – it is essence. This is the mehus of elokus itself. This is like a piece of G-dliness.  

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