Tuesday, September 13, 2011

“Ownership and Activity” p: 55

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 9/13/11 Tuesday 14 Elul 5771 

Page 55 – about a third from the end of the page. Line starts,  'ku...'

Binah and malchus are both called melech/king. One above and one below. Binah is the start of hishtalshalus – the download/downward flow starts with binah. Although chochmah is also involved it is not called the head of hishtalshalus, since it influences from a distance.

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Malchus as we have discussed, is really very illusive. In our world this is not easily understood. We are leery of one ruling over another and ask what is so significant of a ruler. Malchus is seen in each person. The home is not the storehouse of equipment he needs for life – home is the place where his effect is felt – even space is affected and becomes his domain.

Man has things that fall under his ownership – he needs and uses these items – but this an active state. An active claim. Deeper than that is another reality, that is not based on an active claim. The very presence of the person is a reality, not just his activity – this is because he is made by G-d and this is independent of his activities.

This level of truth of the person is reflected not just in his body, but in his domain – in his place in the world. There is a place where he puts things and they are not disturbed. You cannot enter his home uninvited – this would be like treading on someone. The home is much more than a storage place, they are so to speak, 'secluded in a holy domain' – a private domain. This is the malchus element – a sense of reality.

In malchus 'all is there' but not due to an active presence. By virtue of the man coming into the world, there is a piece of the world that is 'by definition his'.

Calling someone's name brings him back from a faint. This is true only because he is a G-dly creation – everything was made by G-d, but he is a 'direct G-dly creation'. Like man has a name that is a reality, so too his a domain. Man doesn't have to fight for his right to be in the world – 'it is provided to him by his Creator'. (Here we see the poverty of saying, man is based on evolution/competition – the depth and richness of man is lost).

Binah is higher kingship – the head of hishtalshalus. Malchus is the lower kingship.

The element of malchus in sechel gives one a sense of a universal truth to a concept and thus it moves from one level to another. Although binah is subjective, yet, 'the reason I understand it is because of the truth content'.

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