Friday, September 9, 2011

“Thoughts and Fish” p: 55

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 54 9/9/11 Friday 10 Elul 5771 

Page 55 – 11th line – line starts, 'bebchinus malchus...' 

Everything created in briah has an aspect of malchus of atzilus. What does 'aspect' denote? It is telling us that the entities are not present in malchus, but are there because of what malchus itself is... not as an intended separated identity.

Novelty/hischadshut means that no matter how much you are expecting something, when it occurs it is a surprise! This is like, when you design something in your mind, and all the specifications and materials are defined, the actual entity is beyond expectations – the reality of it strikes you – this is because you brought it into existence in a different state of reality.

Birah is hischadshut relative to malchus. 

Thought is hischadshut, and making it in reality is another hischadshut! Thought coming into speech is not hischadshut. The thought powers the words. By contrast when you build a table it is a new entity.

In briah things are in a state of presence – this is a hischadshut – this is like a thought coming 'to mind'.  

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