Tuesday, September 27, 2011

“Reality and Function“ p: 56

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 9/27/11 Tuesday 28 Elul 5771  

Page 56 – about a third from the top of the page (line starts: “de-ikar...”).

We are looking at how chochmah relative to binah is similar to the comparison between malchus and briah. This is all to say that the start of creation process is from briah. Chochmah is ein/nothing and thus cannot be viewed as the head of hishtalshalus/download.

There are 2 distinct elements in terms of creating something. There is that which allows for the subject and there is that which pushes for it. That which 'allows' for it, is not not considered the head/source of that entity.

We have the space demarcated, by the rooms in a house. This is exactly the same space that existed before the house was built. Yet one cannot say the space called for the furniture – the space is like ein/nothing. The house and the rooms are the defining factor. The house demands rooms, but the space does not demand a house. The rashit/head/source is binah and not chochmah. Chochmah does not have the element of being the instigator. Binah does have this aspect, as in our metaphor it already has a 'view of the rooms'.

Even though chochmah is the ein for this process and it is a key participant, it cannot be the rashit/source of the process.

Chochmah is also a ha-arah. It is not the space itself – it is the announcement of the space. It is the start of the functionality. The land is reality itself, not function. An observed area inherently has a functionality to it. 

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