Thursday, September 1, 2011

“Beyond Name” p: 54

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 54 9/1/11 ThursdayNight 2 Elul 5771

Page 54 – middle of the page – line starts, 'bechinat hayesh harishon...'  

There is a level that does not yet show itself as independent. This is what the Ramban call chomer hayuli - it is present and existing, but without presenting itself – he calls this the first chomer. This is the first substance that comes to be at first. This is after the Absolute Presence that does not have definition. This is reflective of the true existence.

Why does it not have a form? Because it has not yet come to the level of form.

This is in contrast to our world where things are first a tangible presence. It is not depending on it's intended function. Its just there. Objects have presence, not just due to its function. Presence is primary. This is called a metziut davar. Chomer ha rishon is the initial stage – it reflects the Creator.  

This state is also called 'tohu' – 'something that perplexes people' since they cannot refer to it by name.
The name 'describes the thing' – and this cannot be described.

When can something have a name – when it has a form. But before the stage of having a form, it cannot be described or named.

We can get a handle on this to some extent by thinking of space. It is a primary ingredient for everything that exists. Everything exists in space. It has dimensions in space. This allows things to be limited. But there is also the element of 'allowing things to be' – there is no way to grasp this – it is intangible. This is the fundamental element of space. The feature of 'allowing things to be'. 

It is an external view point to say that things are just there since there is no resistance – as if something can grasp the right to be. The word is not a conflict of forces. All development in the world is seen as a result of reactionary struggle. If this were true there would be not a moment of rest. All would be a fight for survival. Any sense of 'well being' defies this philosophy. We say all is provided for by the Creator and hence it is real.  

Space is a G-dly provision for existence.

This is like malchus – kingship – domain – a man is a king in his own home – and hence all the space becomes his domain, and this is what gives it a presence.  

This is like the concealed world where everything exists in a hidden way.

The only way it is possible for a human being with intelligence to see the darkness, without the light is if he closes his eyes, intentionally. It may be a struggle to see. But it is only if he rejects his inherent intelligence that he will not see light. It is a challenge to see light, but it is not excusable to live without light.

There's great reward, since it is a struggle. But no excuse. That being said there is the common case of the kidnapped child, where we were raised with the 'education' that we live in a G-dless world.

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