AyinBase with R' Paltiel 9/21/11 Wednesday 22 Elul 5771 www.dailychassidus.blogspot.com
Page 56 – at the top of the page.
We are looking at 2 levels of mind. chochmah/wisdom and binah/understanding. Sechel/mind is at the level of revelation, which is very different from ratzon/will and oneg/pleasure. Sechel is also nefesh/soul, but it is what it sees, not the means by which it sees. Sechel is a report of the soul situation. The soul makes a report and this is sechel – nevertheless it is a description – this makes it a metziut/entity and not 'part of parcel' of the soul itself.
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P 56, AyinBase, Rebbe Rashab |
Chochmah and binah are in this category of sechel/mind/report. These are high levels. This is the distinction between humans and animals. Animals have 'feelings' but don't have sechel. The soul makes the report not 'because I enjoy expressing it' but because it is the truth.
Sight is not like touch – you aren't physically affected – sight is a report of 'what is there'. This is like sechel with the emphasis on 'what is the truth'.
Within sechel/mind there are the 2 levels – chochmah deals on a level where midot are not yet in an element of existence. That binah has midot is not by accident – there is a direct relationship. In the world there is no experience without ramification – there are results – cause and effect. Same is true of chochma and binah. The soul is the soul. Chochmah has a message, but without the message it is nil – it is not a real presence like a soul and it is not real at the world level. Since it is a revelation it has to have a function, and what provides for this are the 'as yet undefined' midot. This is what allows the soul to see itself in the world. It sees how it's chochmah is impacting the world. So now we see how the midot in binah are a further expression of the nefesh/soul in the world.
If not for the view of the truth, people would fight in the street, but since we have sechel, that tells us, 'we both were made by the same Creator who wants co-operation' thus we can co-ordinate our efforts. Chochmah is the statement that 'this world belongs to Hashem' and inclueded there in an undefined form are the midot/measures/emotions.
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