Thursday, September 1, 2011

“Seeing Nothing” p: 54

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 54 9/1/11 Thursday 2 Elul 5771 

Page 54 – middle of the page – line starts, 'shum tzurah...'

Why are we working to understand the 'alma de hiskasia' (hidden worlds) ? We are looking at the bracha that Avraham got, a what a bracha does – bringing something out from the hidden worlds.

We have looked at the issue of chomer and tzurah – material and form. These are side topics. We are quite familiar with the fact that terms must be understood in context. This is especially true of words that relate to the 'hidden world'.

We use our words to gain a view of our emunah. Ratzon and oneg is the basis of mind. Yesterday we said the 'ein ve efes (nothing and naught)' makes existence! We are not attempting to give form to this 'nothing'. We are not taking it out of it's place. It is totally beyond world. World by definition is definition (!) World is something that came into being. The boy who is born knowing all Torah, was in a tragic situation since he couldn't get into learning. Ein ve efes does not come into being.

The only way we can relate to this is not by means of our functioning sechel, but by depth and purity of emunah. It is that level that is 'present without being aware of how it came into being'.

The point is that we don't use knowable sechel, to relate to this material.

When you step from G-dliness into world, everything is reversed. The world has chomer that announces that it is an 'entity unto itself'. The students of worldliness explain that all evolves from the basic building block of physicality. That materiality conceals G-dlinesss. The 'ein ve efes' is Elokus itself.

In the world that He created everything has a beginning, yet into this world he also place the sense that 'there is a fundamental reality to it'. When we say the world hangs on nothing, we sense the truth/ein element in the world itself.

Why is this called chomer? This ein is not the total ein ve efes. He suspends the earth. Hence it is a function. And we recognize it through the function. The function is not explicable. But we become aware of 'this nothingness' through the function. This nothingness is the first 'building block' for worldliness. This is what gives the world a sense of reality.

We use worlds, but they are not capable. We grasp this only because we have been given the power of emunah/faith. It is the sense that comes to us from out nefesh/soul. We sense a reality without a source. Moshe Rabbanu's hands were held up. It is an awareness beyond sense. A fundamental presence without definition. It is a creation that is the basic foundation for worldliness.

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