Thursday, September 22, 2011

“Sweet and Sour“ p: 56

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 9/22/11 Thursday 23 Elul 5771 

Page 56 – at the top of the page.  

There is a reason the soul spills over into chochmah and binah, and that is to have some effect in the external world – this is done via midot/measures/emotions.

At the top of the page the Rebbe is telling us that in chochmah the midot are not yet a metziut. To explain this we are looking at the situation of water and firmament.

The firmaments were expanding and Hashem froze it in place – this represents that the concept as it is in chochmah can be turned in any direction. But when it is in binah, which is the state of hasagah/understanting it is not possible to divert it or turn it in another direction.

Chochmah is a point. So what is the meaning that it can be turned in different direction? Chochmah is how it comes from the soul. haskalah/binah is the impression that is made on one's conscious thinking. Sight has these 2 elements. You can see things at a glance – this it the 'truth itself', along with that is the impression it makes on you. Hashem place a human being in the world – it is the reality, not circumstantial – this is the fundamental/chochmah element of our relationship with the world. This initial truth is the G-dly element and His declaration of what a human being is.

The second element of sight is the hasagah/binah/understanding. The hasagah that comes is already the effect. How it is being viewed, recognized and experienced in the person.

So how can the 'truth/point' of chochmah be turned? The answer is that the point cannot be moved, but the element that is an external message can be shifted.

A person alive in a body has pleasant and unpleasant experiences. You may think that these are predefined – that sweet is pleasant and sour is unpleasant. But the truth is it varies – sometimes sour is refreshing and sweet unpleasant. Thus this element of life can be experienced in many ways – nothing definitive. This illustrates that though the point of life is the same, the effect (haskalah in our discussion) varies.  


  1. Correction;the 2 elements we talked about this morning ar both within Chochma - the nekuda/point and the haskola/impression.

  2. yes, thanks for the clarification. even though haskala starts to sound like binah, here it is within chochmah.
