Monday, October 15, 2012

“A Powerful Contraction” p: 170

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 29 Tishrei  

Page 170 – 4 lines from the top of the page – (line starts, 'harishimu...') For text, see picture below.

We are seeing on the one hand that light does not change, but continues to represent its source and the essence. On the other hand it goes through a tzimzum/contraction and becomes 'relevant' to the worlds. It has to be concealed and then drawn forth again. This process allows it to relate to the phenomenon of 'worlds'.

A world is 'developmental'. It is an entity in time and space and hence things are sequential.

The reshimu is a point (nekudah) and a trace. It is a narrow element. A narrow principle or point that contains all.

Before the tzimzum all was of the infinite aspect and the element of finitude was completely concealed. Then came the tzizum/contraction, which reveal the faculty/koach of finitude and limit. And even the infinite should reveal itself in the context of finitude.

This is the exact opposite of the way things were before. For this to occur there had to be a powerful tzimzum / tzimzum atzum.

This denotes that this retraction obliviates what was there before, in order to create something different. And if anything of the previous order remained it would have hindered the creation of a new order.

In the time to come it is said, 'one man will not learn from another', because, 'they will all know Me'.

The pre-occupation of everyone will be 'exclusively to know G-d'. Everything will be directly known through Him.

This is the opposite of how it is today, where we start from a 'dark position' and start from the perception of 'world'.

By making the world, the element of finitude in the infinity is revealed. By work/avodah the element of infinity will be revealed in a finite context.

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