Monday, October 22, 2012

“Wanting to Give Everything He's Got” p: 171

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 6 Cheshvan 5772  

Page 171 – top of the page – (line starts, 'pratiut...') 

Essence is beyond 'functional value'. Something 'essential' is created, 'just that it should be'. This is Israel. This breaks the rules of nature. This is indicative of the source of the world in His Essence. Israel brings a G-dly presence, not because of his qualities, but because of his presence.

In the case of the mentor and student there is the element of 'closeness'. There is a force behind the mentorship.

The mentor hides the light that he experiences and then brings it back so it will be on a level acceptable to the student. Think of a parent teaching the aleph – beis. He starts with a few letters, but his goal is to transmit the whole Torah. He's wanting to give everything he's got. But he starts with a piece of reality that the child can grasp.

This is like the light of creation being the means by which He presents Himself.

And this continues even after the tzimzum/contraction. It is a return of the light that was there before.

Thus we see that the creation of the light is not similar to other creations. Dissimilar from the creation of vessels for example.

The light also has an element of 'something from nothing', yet it has the quality of cleaving – an intrinsic connection to its source.

It is of the essential reality and has the quality of Essence.

Light is a statement from its source saying that even though the source has it parameters, yet it is really present everywhere – this is a feature of essence.

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